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em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

A black ghostly collonade is superimposed over a cut out black and white image of a seated rider in armor, with text set at odd angles falling down near the center. The text reads 'greatest talent in France. The creative life-blood of generations of architects, builders, painters, decorators, gardiners, and artisans of all arts was to be poured into it. The scene of [uneadable] violence. A descending scale like this: Era, Period, Epoch, Age. In mountains and uplands erosion usually predominates. Boundless horizons and intense forces stil groping in a maze of paths. Antiseptic burial. The cold solidity of marble or flint. A grim nusiance, shutting out light and air. It was torn down in four months.' The print is signed: 'Empire Poem, EM 2023'

Empire Poem

collage monotype, 7.5in x 9in, (2023)

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