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em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

Two linocut images on delicate off-white paper: the top one is of a gaunt and skeletal pterosaur depicted in an angular style; it is standing, facing right, with its wings folded and its neck bent so that the tip of its beak rests on the ground and its pointed head crest sticks directly upwards. The lower one is of an oil pumpjack, facing left, its head low near the ground and the beam sticking up in the air. The two images are like mirrors of each other in their style and pose. The print is signed: '6 of 10, Second Edition, Extraction, EM 2021'


linocut, 8in x 13in, first edition of 5, second of 10 (2023)

buy Extraction on my store

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