standard-contrast mode

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

A monotype print of black spikes emanating from the sides of the plate with text cutouts and an upside down greco-roman statue pasted behind it. The text reads: 'to disregard the sculptural beauty of the male body, to which; a whole abstract liturgy; images whose shapes and colors were designed to induce [unreadable text] and ecstasy impressing the [unreadable text] high religious solemnity; [following upside down] no longer a mere visual pleasure but a cry which pierces to the heart; [following right side up again] into the depth of his own unconcious.' The print is signed: 'Martyr Poem, Em 2023'

Martyr Poem

collage monotype, 7.5in x 9in (2023)

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