standard-contrast mode

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

em miller | cypressure

printmaking and paleoart

Paper cuttings pasted onto warm white paper. In the center is an image of a greco-roman statue from the waist up, and around it is pieces of text which read: 'man's goal was to divine the laws of nature so that he might master and reproduce; he sought to mold it to his needs, to impose on it order and harmony; his sensibility vibrated; knotted, muscular limbs; were splattered with the blood of; a genius tender and feminine; hysterical entertainment; this sort of progress is man.' Coming from the right side of the image is swirls of black paint like clouds, covering the text slightly in some places. The print is signed: 'Murder Poem, EM 2023'

Murder Poem

collage monotype, 7.5in x 9in (2023)

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